Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday (29nd April 2012)

This morning we had the privilege to listen to of our associate pastors on the topic with greater measure of faith. She entitled her message as "Small Faith, Great Exploit" (Matthew 17:20)

"Little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul - Author Unknown"
(Matthew 13:31-32)

1) Move against the odds
(Matthew 14:17-19) (Hebrew 11:6) (Psalms 119:105-107) (James 1:6-8)

2) Move in obedience towards His leading
(Deuteronomy 6:3b) (Genesis 12:1)
"When we move in the natural we look at the majority but when we move in the supernatural we look at God"

3) Move from defeat victory is when God lift us up beyond our capability.
(1 John 5:4-5)

Obedience is seeking God with your whole heart. 
Performance is having a quiet time because you’ll feel guilty if you don’t.

Obedience is finding ways to let the Word of God dwell in you richly. 
Performance is quickly scanning a passage so you can check it off your Bible reading plan.

Obedience is inviting guests to your home for dinner. 
Performance is feeling anxiety about whether every detail of the meal will be perfect.

Obedience is following God’s prompting to start a small group. 
Performance is reluctance to let anyone else lead the group because they might not do it as well as you would.

Obedience is saying yes to whatever God asks of you. 
Performance is saying yes to whatever people ask of you.

Obedience is following the promptings of God’s Spirit. 
Performance is following a list of man-made requirements.

Obedience springs from fear of God. 
Performance springs from fear of failure.

Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Paul Baloche - A Greater Song - Your Name

2) New Life Worship - My Savior Lives - My Savior Lives

3) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Forever Reign
Download - Forever Reign

4) Abundant Life Ministries - Divine Exchange - Divine Exchange

** City Harvest Church - Cross - Come Holy Spirit
Download - Come Holy Spirit

Is Favor a teaser?

Their new album from True Worshippers is yet to be released however there are teasers for their upcoming album titled "Favor". Let's embrace the upcoming new album.

Here goes the teaser, enjoy:-

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Apologetics 102

Apologetics 102 : Answering Difficult Questions About Christian Faith Seminar


Charis Christian Centre Main Sanctuary

The Worship Infinity Conference (3rd May, 2012)

The Worship Infinity Conference 2012
3 May 2012 at SIB KL

Sunday (22nd April 2012)

We have Rev Alex Sanders back from the States to give us a wonderful revelation about God's healing. He and his wife (Nora Sanders) are now in a ministry called Healing Rooms, San Antonio.

Genesis 1:26-28
God Created the earth to allow man to have dominion.

The spirit of fear is the root of all evil into our human body.
--> Adam & Eve first sin is fear.

Our body is a container for the Holy Spirit to dwell, therefore, we have the authority to do what God/Jesus wants us to do.

"Jesus, I speak of new "Body Parts" in "that person", In Jesus Name, Amen."

Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Gateway Worship - Wake Up the World - New Doxology

2) True Worshippers - Glory to Glory - Glory to Glory

3) Chris Tomlin -   And If Our God Is For Us - Majesty of Heaven
4) Abundant Life Ministries - Divine Exchange - Divine Exchange

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Sunday (1st April 2012) -- Holy Communion [Palm Sunday]

It was "Palm Sunday" and it was an amazing reminder that such a day has it's significance before the Good Friday (Crucifixion) and Easter (Jesus conquers death) occurs.

"From Waving Palms to Waving Nails!" -- Message Title
 (Luke 19: 28 - 44)

1) The 1st reason is that their faith was "self-centered" instead of being "Christ-centered"
     There are 2 reasons why the people praised Jesus as He passed by:-
     a) Because of His miracles, in other words, He was able to serve them!
     b) They saw in Jesus a way to be politically delivered from the Romans

"Cultural Christianity" - To pursue the God we want instead of the God is.

Reminder: "It is God relative instead of God absolute"

2) The 2nd reason how this predicament can happen is when our faith is swayed or blocked by our personal trials and crisis.

For those more philosophical:-
"A committed faith takes the good with the bad"

3) The 3rd reason how the "waving pal, can become a 'waving nail' " is when we fail to recognize His higher purpose. (the end of v44 ...because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation) - [KJV]

Visitation = Greek translation (Episkeptomai) [epis-kept-o-ma-ee]
Literally means "to relieve" (The same was being used in Matthew 25:36)
i) Jesus could mean to bring judgement
ii) Someone visiting that city to bring relieve to the city.

     a) They could not see Jesus' purpose because they had their eyes on their immediate circumstances instead of their overall condition.
     b) You prayer will often becomes, "Lord, deliver me, help me, fight for me, uplift me," instead of

         "Lord, mold me, use me, grow me through these things, change me, and show me."

Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) The Praise Band - He Knows My Name

 2) Don Moen - God Is Good - God Is Good

 3) Hillsong - You Are My World - God Is Great

4) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Greatness Of Our God
5) Hillsong - God Is Able - God Is Able

Communion Song:
Chris Tomlin - Authentic - Amazing Love (You Are My King)
(However, I prefer Christy Nockels version more... If any Chris's version request, feel free to drop a comment)