Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Bible Gateway interviews The Bible Project (@BibleGateway)

I do hope I do not have to explain the existence of Bible Gateway. It is an online free Bible for everyone who wants to refer to the Bible for references and encouragements. I've been using Bible Gateway for so many things and I can't even remember when I did I start using them. And I do remember subscribing to their Daily Verses & Easter Devotion by Mel Lawrenz back in 2011.

They (Bible Gateway) did an interview with Tim Mackie & Jon Collins! I was so pumped that I wasn't able to concentrate with my work. In fact, I've read it the moment I finished my work, it was a long day. I know I'm weird, I can get excited with things that doesn't matter to many of the folks my age nowadays. But hey! This is really good stuff!!!

Below is the link, and try to get to know what The Bible Project has to offer in this interview. This is so good!

The Bible Project: An Interview with Tim Mackie and Jon Collins

1 comment:

Jonathan Petersen said...

Thank you for your enthusiastic recommendation of our interview on The Bible Project and for recommending Bible Gateway.

I’m writing to invite your blog to join the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²). If you'd like details, please email me. Thanks.