Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday service - Four Men Who Bore Crosses

We had Sister Juwita Suwito as our guest of the night during our Good Friday service whom she has brought entertaining vocal abilities with her experiences with the Lord and written songs about him.

When come Pastor's message, it is his gentle reminder to all of us who are the men that bore the cross. There are 4 of them.

1) Simon of Cyrene
Matthew 27:32

The question we always ask - "WHY ME?"

"...until and unless you know God, you may have no idea what hit you and why are those crosses are on your shoulder?

2) The Rebellious Thief
Luke 23:39

"Always blame everyone except themselves."

"We must own up to our failures. We must acknowledge our need for a Saviour; and that we need help.

3) The Penitent Thief
Luke 23:40-43

"...we are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong."

4) The Cross on Jesus

"The crucifixion was as a result of sin, but He turned it into redemption from sin. The crucifixion was the result of hate, but He turned it into a revelation of LOVE."

"The crucifixion was the most eveil act of man, but God used it to vanquish the Evil One."

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