Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday (15th July 2012)

Today Pastor's topic entitled "Bringing Our Prayer To The Next Level" (Part 1)

What are you sensing from God?
1) That the church must be  more strategic & focused in doing His will rather than planning programs.
2) That God's people MUST pray and for those who have praying, we must bring it up to the next level.

Bringing Our Prayer To The Next Level (Matthew 26:36-45)
** We cannot afford not to pray or have minimal prayer**
"I have so much to do today that I am going to need to spend 3 hours in prayer in order to be able to get it all done" (Martin Luther)

1) Why do you think that Jesus was asking the disciples to pray together with Him?
Jesus knew the trials & temptations were coming that He needed strength & wisdom to confront it. (Matthew 26:37-38)

2) What effects had PRAYER upon Jesus and what did prayerless
(Matthew 26:47-55)
A) The disciples were totally unprepared & they responded with the flesh (Matthew 24:51)
B) The disciples deserted Him & fled (Matthew 24:56) [even denying Him]
C) Jesus maintained hi composure & aligned his response with the will of God (Matthew 26:52-54)

Truths we can learn, understand & apply:-
1) We need to pray to gain His strength and wisdom (Matthew 26:41)
A) Trials & temptations are the products of a sin infested world. (Romans 8:18-27)
B) Trials & temptations are the fiery darts of the evil one. (1 Peter 5:6) (Ephesians 6:12)

2) Unpleasant circumstances do not mean you are outside the will of God!
(Matthew 26:26) (John 9:1,2)

Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - God Is Able - God Is Able
2) True Worshippers - God Is Our Glory - Ku Dib'ri Kuasa
3) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Thank You


4) Planetshakers - Pick It Up - Beautiful Saviour

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