Sunday, March 08, 2009

Current office situation...

Well, I have to confess that the current financial turmoil is not doing any organisations any good. People are afraid that they might lose their jobs without pre-warnings and preparation or even a small discussion with the management so-to-speak.

I got a message from my boss one day saying that our department has come to a point with excess of staffs. Volume is plunging to a verge of at least 60%, which causes many redundancy in the department. Extra cost has been incurred and the term "cutting-cost" is in place for the department's sake.

When these thing happens, load-sharing of from other departments are being involved. Why in the first place, our Boss did not do anything to prevent these things from happening. He should have done something to prevent from the upper management to bring out the excess staff (which is never easy to be trained) to load share to a department which needed help.

Is the future in the office that fragile? Let's pray and commit this to the Lord.

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