I have started the 40 days prayer and fast, and this will be my diary. Here are some areas that we can "Tarry for 1 hour" on what to pray for.
Remember: The first step that you must take is to be able to enter into the realm of the spirit.
1) We worship and dwell in His Presence
2) We pray in tongues
3) We "listen" to the voice of the Holy Spirit
4) We intercede for others, the nations, church needs as the Spirit brings to your mind
5) We present our own petitions (requests)
Below are some prayer pointers too for the help during the fast:- NECF Prayer pointers
1. Church - Revival
i) Hunger
ii) Holiness
iii) Unity
Day 1 - Jubilee (No Fast)
Day 2 - Fresh Start (Fast)
Day 3 - Restoration (Fast)
Day 4 - Release (Fast)
Day 5 - Rest (Fast)
Day 6 - The Acceptable Year of the Lord (Fast)
Day 7 - Elijah (Fast)
Day 8 - Token or Tarrying Prayers (Fast)
Day 9 - Obedience (Fast)
Day 10 - Faith (Fast)
Day 11 - Justice (Fast)
Day 12 - Action (No Fast)
Day 13 - Hari Raya (No Fast)
This morning we have the privilege of listening to a life testimony of Pastor Yoong Ying Wah. It was an amazing journey that he has brought us through. Speaks of many revelations and truth.
Pastor has also reminded us that we have already sign ourselves up with "Bible Knowledge of Wilderness" the moment we have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Part of the Truth made it into the whole truth become UNTRUTH!!!
He has also written a book on "Prophet of your past" which caters a lot on emotional healing.
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Thank You
2) Lakewood Church - You Are Good
3) Hillsong United - United We Stand - The Stand
4) New Creation Church - I See Grace
Today Pastor's topic entitled "The Next Level - The Realm of the Spirit"
(Matthew 4:1-11) "Illustration of Temptations of Jesus"
1 Thessalonians 5:23-
Body - 5 senses. Blood, Flesh and Bones (World Conscious)
Soul - Mind, Will, Emotions/Feeling. (Self Conscious) [Matthew 26:38a]
Spirit - God Conscious. Conscience of Man. [Matthew 26:38b]
Why Jesus prayed the prayer in Matthew 26:39?
1) The tempter tempted Jesus in the Body. (Matthew 4:3)
2) The tempter tempted Jesus in the Soul. (Matthew 4:5-6)
3) The tempter tempted Jesus in the Spirit Realm. (Matthew 4:10)
** Our contaminated human spirit needs to be touched by the Holy Spirit.
(1 Thessalonians 5:23-) (2 Corinthians 7:1)
** God's spirit touched our human spirit that we understand the divine things of God.
(1 Corinthians 2:14)
** Moving beyond your body and soul and keeping your spirit in step with His spirit is very important.
(Galatians 5:25)
1. A strong spirit keeps your body and soul in check. (Romans 8:5-6)
2. A strong spirit helps me to respond to situations in a godly manner. (Galatians 5:19-21; 22-23)
3. A strong spirit leads and guides me in my prayers. (1 Corinthians 2:10)
** He speaks through a thought or a prompting
** He speaks through a mental image or a vision.
** He speaks through a gentle voice in my heart.
How do I build a strong spirit?
(1 Corinthians 14:14)
(1 Corinthians 14:2)
(1 Corinthians 14:4)
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Tommy Thai - There Will Be No Other (Original Composition from our church)
2) Hillsong United - United We Stand - The Time Has Come
3) Lakewood Church - You Are Good
4) Hillsong - God Is Able - God Is Able
Holy Communion - Chris Tomlin - Amazing Love (You Are My King)
We have Dr Tony Crib from Restoration Church, South Carolina giving us a topic on "Forgive and Forget".
Philippians 3:13 (NLT) Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.
Before you can embrace your Future, you must let go your Past.
Often we forget what we should be remembering (the good) and we remember what we should be forgetting (the bad).
Joseph had to forget the past before he could experience God's best in the future.
Joseph was disconnected from his family. You may feel disconnected, but you're never disconnected from God's love and favor and presence.
How you respond to wrong determines how God can bless your life.
Everyone goes through trouble (tough times, wrongs and injustices).
* If you refuse to forgive, it will poison you.
* Choose to walk in love and forgiveness.
Few people have experienced the level of hurt that Joseph did.
Keys to being Forgetful and Fruitful:
Genesis 41: 50-52 NKJ
Manasseh - God made me forget all my trouble
Ephraim - God made me fruitful in all my affliction
Every time Joseph called their name, He was making a prophetic declaration.
Your ability to be fruitful is dependent on your willingness to forgive and forget.
Your must forgive past wrongs, offenses and disappointments.
Genesis 48:1-5, 14, 17-20 NKJ
God wants you to have a double portion of blessings not a double portion of trouble.
This isn't just and Old Testament story; it's a Kingdom Principle that applies t ous.
You must forgive and forget before you can move into God's destiny and blessings.
Your future fruitfulness will be GREATER THAN your past troubles.
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) New Life Worship - I Am Free - Amazed
Today Pastor's topic entitled "Bringing Our Prayer To The Next Level" (Part 2)
** Everything in life - our worship, our Christian service, our witness, our love for other people, our work - all spring from our relationship with God. If we do not spend 'quality time' in prayer, everything else we do may ed up in futility.
** Instead of seeing prayer as an intrusion into our time, we must understand that it actually contributes to saving of time and efforts - when we tap into the divine power source!
** Jesus asked His disciples to pray together with Him at the Garden of Gethsemane because He knew the trials and temptations were coming and it is through prayer that He had the strength and wisdom to confront it.
In Matthew 26:40, "Could you men not keep watch with me for 1 hour?" Our church prayer statistics:-
74% spends < 30 mins of prayer each day
20% spends = 30 mins of prayer each day
4% spends = 1 hour of prayer each day
2% spends > 1 hour of prayer each day
Question: What are the benefits of spending time with Him?
1) More prayer - More power of God for living (Luke 21:36)
2) More prayer - More of God and less of me [the flesh] (Matthew 26:41)
3) More prayer - A deeper relationship with God (Jeremiah 29:13)
How are we able to spend a prolonged time in prayer? 3 levels of praying
1) God made us "Body", "Soul" & "Spirit". (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
2) God designed His tabernacle with an
- "Outer Court"(Exodus 27:9-19);
- "Inner Court" (Leviticus 16: 23-24);
- the "Holy of Holies" (Exodus 26:33-35)
3) God spoke about the "ankle deep; knee deep and waist deep waters" (Ezekiel 47:3-4)
i) The first level of praying is the level of "body", "outer court" or "ankle deep" experience
(Distraction due to the flesh)
ii) The second level of praying is the level of "soul", "inner court" or "knee deep" experience
(Pouring out of negativism)
iii) The third level of praying is the level of "spirit", "Holy of Holies" or "waist deep" experience
(Lost in His presence)
What do you pray for in this "1 hour"?
1) You worship and dwell in His presence
2) You pray in tongues
3) You "listen" to the voice of the spirit
4) You intercede for other/nations/church as the Spirit brings to your mind
5) You make your own petitions (requests)
Learning to pray isn't about learning how to make the kind of requests God will answer. Learning to pray is about deepening our relationship with God so we know Him & trust Him more and more. If we want to grow up into Christ, prayer is the key!
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Thank You
2) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Forever Reign
3) New Life Worship - My Savior Lives - My Savior Lives
4) Hillsong - This Is Our God - This Is Our God
Today Pastor's topic entitled "Bringing Our Prayer To The Next Level" (Part 1)
What are you sensing from God?
1) That the church must be more strategic & focused in doing His will rather than planning programs.
2) That God's people MUST pray and for those who have praying, we must bring it up to the next level.
Bringing Our Prayer To The Next Level (Matthew 26:36-45)
** We cannot afford not to pray or have minimal prayer**
"I have so much to do today that I am going to need to spend 3 hours in prayer in order to be able to get it all done" (Martin Luther)
1) Why do you think that Jesus was asking the disciples to pray together with Him?
Jesus knew the trials & temptations were coming that He needed strength & wisdom to confront it. (Matthew 26:37-38)
2) What effects had PRAYER upon Jesus and what did prayerless
(Matthew 26:47-55)
A) The disciples were totally unprepared & they responded with the flesh (Matthew 24:51)
B) The disciples deserted Him & fled (Matthew 24:56) [even denying Him]
C) Jesus maintained hi composure & aligned his response with the will of God (Matthew 26:52-54)
Truths we can learn, understand & apply:-
1) We need to pray to gain His strength and wisdom (Matthew 26:41)
A) Trials & temptations are the products of a sin infested world. (Romans 8:18-27)
B) Trials & temptations are the fiery darts of the evil one. (1 Peter 5:6) (Ephesians 6:12)
2) Unpleasant circumstances do not mean you are outside the will of God!
(Matthew 26:26) (John 9:1,2)
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - God Is Able - God Is Able
2) True Worshippers - God Is Our Glory - Ku Dib'ri Kuasa
3) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Thank You
Today,we are blessed to have Pastor Neville Stanway from Church Empowerment, Western Australia to give us a message entitled "Glorify God By Bearing Fruits".
God says: I'll pour out my spirit into all flesh. (Holy Spirit/Righteousness of God in Man)
"Mobilized, Equipped & Empowerment"
He also taught us on how to "Strengthen our position in Christ"
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - This Is Our God - You'll Come
2) Hillsong United - United We Stand - The Time Has Come
3) Stuart Townend - In Christ Alone
4) Hillsong - This Is Our God -This Is Our God
Altar Call: Hillsong - Mighty To Save - None But Jesus
This morning we are have Pastor Andy Yeoh (lead vocal of Altered Frequency, now a Pastor in ACTS church) minister to us today.
Give me this mountain with the 5Cs - Joshua 14:6-
1) Calling - We are all intentions of God
2) Consistency (v.11) - Different type of spirit (strength) - Psalm 4:8
3) Child like Faith
4) Crazy Courage
5) Commitment & Conviction
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Lakewood Church - You Are Good
Today is the celebration of Parents Day. Pastor had prepared a message entitled "Honoring Our Parents" (Ephesians 6:2).
Honour = Respect greatly
Hebrew = To make heavy (Do not take your parents lightly)
Why is it important?
1) Family unit is the fundamental of society
2) The health of your family relationship is also the health of all other relationships
How do we honour our parents?
"LOVE our parents"
L - Learn from them (Proverbs 6:20-22)
O - Obey (Ephesians 6:1)
V - Volunteer your help
E - Enjoy them when they are around.
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - Eagles Wings
2) Chris Tomlin - Your Grace Is Enough
3) Hillsong - Alive In Us
4) Hillsong United - Til I See You
Studio 6 has arranged the below this afternoon:-
1) Hillsong - Lord I Give You My Heart
2) Kirk Whalum/Jonathan Butler - Falling In Love With Jesus
3) Hillsong - Still
4) Chris Tomlin - How Great Is Our God
We are blessed to have Dr. Rosy Leung to speak to us. However before she starts there were 2 videos that she wanted to present to us before she conveyed her message.
Video 1: Father's Love Letter
Video 2: What is That? "Sparrow"
With the Bible reference of Isaiah 11, Dr Rosy teaches us on how to have healing among family when currently relationship is getting stringent.
1st Level of Prayer (Physical)
2nd Level of Prayer (Spriritual)
3rd Level of Prayer (Principalities & Power)
Whilst she ends with Revelation 8 (Where our prayers releases incense to God -- Sweet fragrance/aroma)
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - Mighty To Save - Adonai
2) Matt Maher - Empty & Beautiful - As It Is In Heaven
3) Hillsong United - More Than Life - More Than Life
Today we are very blessed to have Pastor Victoria Munthe from "Gereja Kemenangan Iman Indonesia" to give us a message entitled "Ignite your vision again"
1) Importance of having a vision (Proverbs 29:14)
2) Great of man in the bible where visions were re-kindle. (E.g. Exodus -- Moses)
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - Mighty To Save - Adonai
2) Hillsong - You Are My World - God Is Great
3) Chris Tomlin - Authentic - Amazing Love (You Are My King)
4) True Worshippers - Glory to Glory - Glory to Glory
Holy Communion:-
5) Hillsong - Mighty To Save - At The Cross
This morning we have Rev. Simon Cheung preaching for us since this week our church is having church camp. He guided us with "Being The Servant of the Lord" (Joshua 24)
When do we recommit our lives to God?
[PAST] Joshua 24:2-8
[PRESENT] Joshua 24:9-10
[FUTURE] Joshua 24:11-13
i) Sensible Commitment
ii) Exclusive Commitment
i) Our own choice
i) Do not be bound by emotion
ii) Not a "Feel Good" Commitment
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - God Is Able - Alive In Us
2) Chris Tomlin - See The Morning - Your Grace Is Enough
3) Hillsong United - Look To You - Til I See You
4) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Forever Reign
5) Hillsong - For All You've Done - With All I Am
I've been anticipating for the trailer for days, weeks & months even. Now when Director Tom Hooper decides that all actors do their singing live, I was skeptical, but with the trailer shown above, I'm totally blown away.
What is the significance of HIV in your life? Do you judge them for their wrong doings? If so, let me quote you what Jesus quoted in John 8:7. Pastor Bruce Sonnenberg, founder of He Intends Victory (HIV) shares on the book on
Romans 14:13-17
Righteousness - Right standing with God
Psalm 32:11
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Matt Maher - Empty & Beautiful - As It Is In Heaven
This morning we had the privilege of listening to Brother Damien & Sister May Chua as they minister to us. They were sharing "How to develop a good relationship within your family and the church". As we all know, God has to be placed first above all else. One thing that Bro Damien shared which I really love quoting:-
"Are we treating Christianity another form of religion? In which, are we using this as an insurance to buy our way into heaven?" -- This is a very serious question to most Christians by allowing them to ponder. Why?
Because what God wants (not need) is our intimate relationship with Him.
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - Mighty To Save - Adonai
This morning, pastor had arranged a topic entitled "Capacity (for the next level)".
Definition of Capacity:-
- The maximum amount and number that can be received or contain (shows quantity)
- Actual/Potential ability to perform, yield or withstand (shows quality)
3 Capacities that we must in order for us to move to the next level spiritually
1) Capacity for the Spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:14)
- By human nature, we can be not concurrent between both a believer and a non-believer. (Different wave length)
(1 Corinthians 1:22)
a) Jews - A Savior that died doesn't make sense to them
b) Gentiles - No wisdom on the matter of death
2) Capacity to work together in Spiritual Unity (1 Corinthians 3:13)
"God cannot build the church any bigger than He can build you"
"If the church doesn't know how to have unity in the most of diversity, then there is little capacity to grow any larger."
"If the believer doesn't know how to use a gentler and the right spirit to offer objective suggestions for improvement, then there is little capacity...etc"
"Before complaining (human nature's tendency) please provide suggestions"
" If aggression overtakes affirmation, then there is little capacity for the church to be able to work together to achieve a common goal"
"One person with 'belief' is equal to the force of 99 person who only have interest"
"Emotional & Spiritual strain is more tiring than physical strain"
"It comes about through handling difficult circumstances that are also tied in with people (not task)"
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Chris Tomlin - Arriving - Your Grace Is Enough
2) New Life Worship - My Savior Lives - My Savior Lives
3) Matt Redman - Intimacy - Heart Of Worship
4) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - The Greatness Of Our God
"If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14.
This year 2012 in Malaysia we will turn our eyes to Jesus as our 4 ‘R’s –
Redeemer, Restorer, Rebuilder, and Rewarder. As we are also entering a
significant year in our nation’s spiritual landscape, Jubilee year, we
need to seek God as who he is – the 4 ‘R’s, and pray for change in
Let's put it this way, we are all from different brought ups and backgrounds. Going to church isn't going to bring you any harm. Just stand, sing, sit and listen to a message. That's all.
If God has speak into your life, why not accept just Jesus as your new found best friend. It's personal, you don't have to tell anyone. Confide in Him in EVERYTHING... because I do and it's an awesome journey.
Many a times, I'm a little skeptical over Christian movies. It brings out certain cheesiness at some plot in the movie. However, this movie that was recommended by my Aunt from Singapore said that this is really good and I gave it a try with my family. Believe you me, I've teared almost throughout 2nd half of the movie. Call me a sissy but this movie shows how resolution breaks a man's pride and surrender our whole to God the almighty.
With this resolution based on the movie, I do encourage everyone to read it once and take it really seriously whether we (and our household) are ready to serve the Lord.
I DO solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children.
I WILL love them, protect them, serve them, and teach them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home.
I WILL be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down my life for her as Jesus Christ did for me.
I WILL bless my children and teach them to love God with all of their hearts, all of their minds, and all of their strength.
I WILL train them to honor authority and live responsibly.
I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.
I WILL pray for others and treat them with kindness, respect, and compassion.
I WILL work diligently to provide for the needs of my family.
I WILL forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.
I WILL learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God.
I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church, obey His Word, and do His will.
I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. ---Joshua 24:15
This morning we had the privilege to listen to of our associate pastors on the topic with greater measure of faith. She entitled her message as "Small Faith, Great Exploit" (Matthew 17:20)
"Little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul - Author Unknown"
Their new album from True Worshippers is yet to be released however there are teasers for their upcoming album titled "Favor". Let's embrace the upcoming new album.
We have Rev Alex Sanders back from the States to give us a wonderful revelation about God's healing. He and his wife (Nora Sanders) are now in a ministry called Healing Rooms, San Antonio.
Genesis 1:26-28
God Created the earth to allow man to have dominion.
The spirit of fear is the root of all evil into our human body.
--> Adam & Eve first sin is fear.
Our body is a container for the Holy Spirit to dwell, therefore, we have the authority to do what God/Jesus wants us to do.
"Jesus, I speak of new "Body Parts" in "that person", In Jesus Name, Amen."
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Gateway Worship - Wake Up the World - New Doxology
2) True Worshippers - Glory to Glory - Glory to Glory
3) Chris Tomlin - And If Our God Is For Us - Majesty of Heaven
4) Abundant Life Ministries - Divine Exchange - Divine Exchange
It was "Palm Sunday" and it was an amazing reminder that such a day has it's significance before the Good Friday (Crucifixion) and Easter (Jesus conquers death) occurs.
"From Waving Palms to Waving Nails!" -- Message Title
(Luke 19: 28 - 44)
1) The 1st reason is that their faith was "self-centered" instead of being "Christ-centered" There are 2 reasons why the people praised Jesus as He passed by:-
a) Because of His miracles, in other words, He was able to serve them!
b) They saw in Jesus a way to be politically delivered from the Romans
"Cultural Christianity" - To pursue the God we want instead of the God is.
Reminder: "It is God relative instead of God absolute"
2) The 2nd reason how this predicament can happen is when our faith is swayed or blocked by our personal trials and crisis.
For those more philosophical:-
"A committed faith takes the good with the bad"
3) The 3rd reason how the "waving pal, can become a 'waving nail' " is when we fail to recognize His higher purpose. (the end of v44 ...because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation) - [KJV]
Visitation = Greek translation (Episkeptomai) [epis-kept-o-ma-ee]
Literally means "to relieve" (The same was being used in Matthew 25:36)
i) Jesus could mean to bring judgement
ii) Someone visiting that city to bring relieve to the city.
a) They could not see Jesus' purpose because they had their eyes on their immediate circumstances instead of their overall condition.
b) You prayer will often becomes, "Lord, deliver me, help me, fight for me, uplift me," instead of
"Lord, mold me, use me, grow me through these things, change me, and show me."
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) The Praise Band - He Knows My Name
4) Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange - Greatness Of Our God
5) Hillsong - God Is Able - God Is Able
Communion Song:
Chris Tomlin - Authentic - Amazing Love (You Are My King)
(However, I prefer Christy Nockels version more... If any Chris's version request, feel free to drop a comment)
Why 27 million?
What's the significance of 27 million?
How come 27 million?
This figure represents the statistics of human trafficking around the globe. A song has been composed to seek all Christians brothers and sisters to rise up and ceased such activities around the world. And if you are listening carefully, this figure is one of the largest figures for slavery in all mankind history. This is really sad. What has the world become?
The below lyrics speaks for itself. Everyone, please ponder and think of what we can do to let them know that someone is still there to love them. None other but Jesus.
LZ7 ft. Matt Redman - 27 Million
See what the worlds done? Came to London, she's a nothing a no one
she's undone
broken dreams
stolen freedom
trapped in the night
trafficked and beaten.
(All a part of an evil economy) nothing more than someones commodity
a precious being like you and me
a daughter a sister a somebody!
She was drawn by the bright lights
she was tied up in their lights
she worked right through the daylight
no voice
shes a slave to the night.
27 million like me.
(That's 27 million people on this cruel journey)
We've got to rise up, open our eyes up. Be her voice, be her freedom, come on stand up! x4
After the man left
she's nothing left
no one
no love
no one to call her friend. She's stuck in the pit of hell
she's almost sick of the smell. She's numb
she's dead from the inside out
her heart is screaming but you don't hear the shout.
Who's the voice? Who's going to break the door down?
Who wakes her up from this nightmare now?
She was drawn by the bright lights
she was tied up in their lights
she worked right through the daylight
no voice
shes a slave to the night.
27 million like me.
(27 million need Heavens mercy!)
We've got to rise up, open our eyes up. Be her voice, be her freedom, come on stand up! x4
27 million
are you joking? how do we let evil get so tight a grip
watching while the world falls apart? how do we let this stuff begin?
we're not bothered if this offends because you got people that can defend
but they ain't got that
they got nothing. sometimes you gotta stand for something.
let this be the stand that gets your blood running.
Little girl don't cry
let me dry your eyes in the darkest night (you're not alone).
Hold on through the storm
you're not on your own
hold on
love will come.
We've got to rise up, open our eyes up. Be her voice, be her freedom, come on stand up! x8
I love this album!!! And I want to thank God for blessing these wonderful people that put this album altogether because it just totally blew me away!!! From it's very first track til the end just made me lift my hands up high and surrender to Him through out the whole CD session. It kicked start with a great jump with "Not Ashamed" & "White Flag" hitting the speakers. Trust me, you just can't control that joy it brings. That Joy that surpasses all human understanding.
While it was on replay mode, I just felt His presence just all on me. That inner/spiritual hunger and the intention & eagerness to search Him was even greater when "Jesus, Son of God" & "How I love You" goes off in the album. Although it was wrong of me to ask His presence to come where I'm not even worthy to be in His holy presence but you just wanted more of Him when the words are being sung through all these rightful rhythm and beautifully crafted melody.
All in all, none of the tracks let me down. I can guarantee with full assurance. Give it a try for you'll be blessed. If I have the time, I want to type out my thoughts and what speaks to me on each track. They are amazingly crafted.
1) "Not Ashamed" - Kristian Stanfill
2) "White Flag" - Chris Tomlin
3) "Jesus, Son Of God" - Chris Tomlin & Christy Nockels
4) "How I Love You" - Christy Nockels
5) "All This Glory" - David Crowder Band
6) "Lay Me Down" - Chris Tomlin & Matt Redman
7) "You Revive Me" - Christy Nockels
8) "One Thing Remains" - Kristian Stanfill
9) "Yahweh" - Chris Tomlin
10) "Sing Along" - Christy Nockels
11) "The Only One" - Chris Tomlin
12) "Mystery" - Charlie Hall
13) "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" - Matt Redman
14) "No Turning Back" - Chris Tomlin
15) "Let Me Feel You Shine" - David Crowder Band
16) "Who You Are" - Kristian Stanfill
17) "Jesus, All In All" - Charlie Hall
If you want to purchase their CD album, here is the link given below to support them:-
Pastor has taken an extract from Matthew 7:3 to give us an insight instead of us judging, maybe it is ourselves that needed the spiritual self-evaluation before we put judgement on to others.
"Why do you look at the speck sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to your own eye?"
There's a saying that often :-
* We view things not only from different sides but with different eyes.
Why can't :-
* We see things not the way they are, but the way we are.
4 common personal life that we are facing:-
1) If I have unresolved anger, I will see things through angry, critical eyes.
(1 Samuel 18:6-9)
2) If I have unresolved fear, I will view things from fearful eyes.
(2 Timothy 1:7) - [KJV]
3) If I have a negative attitude, I will view things through negative eyes.
(Proverbs 23:7) - [KJV]
4) If I'm cheat, I will see things through cheating eyes and so on.
(Acts 8:9-23)
** Whatever I see - the way I see it will always be twisted to match my distorted perception of reality and in so doing I will rationalize my every thought and justify my every action. ** Factors that distorted our perceptions:-
1) Family Upbringing
2) Environment & Circumstances
3) Influences
- Jesus said that if we are going to see things the way they are, we need to see the plank in our own eye & get rid of that!!!
5 Steps to breakthrough:-
A) We Hear
B) We Understand (John 8:32)
C) We Decide
D) We Do
E) We Persist in Doing.
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Hillsong - God Is Able - Alive In Us
2) Paul Baloche - Open The Eyes Of My Heart - Open The Eyes Of My Heart
3) City Harvest Church - Sanctuary
I was re-watching "Touched By An Angel" - Season 8 Episode 1 - Holy of Holies because I was following a series that depicts the true significance of the "The Tabernacle" which also involves the "Ark of the Covenant". However the curiosity of God's sovereignty is still a mystery to mankind. There it came when 2 of the Angels were singing "No Higher Calling" while the man fell on his knees in the presence of the Lord... It was so beautiful.
Sometimes, it just breaks my heart why men are so weak by not having THAT kind of faith that God has bestowed upon us to trust Him. He is Large (He is everywhere) yet He is small (He wants to be every single details of our lives). How amazing His presence can be... How I long to grasp hold of that presence and never let go. So, here is the beauty I want u all to listen :-
My cousin posted this song in my facebook. I teared when I heard this song over and over again. How come? I've been listening to this song so many times.
This is sooooo beautiful... I want to listen and listen and listen again!!!
This morning we have the privilege of listening to Rev. Randy Mask from Faith Church, San Antonio, Texas. He quoted 2 Corinthians 1 where he teaches us to grab hold in the word of God where His promises are. We must decide in our lives to possess God's promises.
We also have the opportunity to worship with Farukh Mamadeliyev with some arrangements listed below:-
Worship team has arranged the below this morning:-
1) Stuart Townend - In Christ Alone
2) Hillsong - Faith + Hope + Love - No Reason To Hide
3) Chris Tomlin - See The Morning - How Great Is Our God
4) Hillsong - This Is Our God - Stronger
Farukh Mamadaliyev has arranged the below this morning too:-
1) Hillsong United - United We Stand - Came To My Rescue
2) New Life Worship - Overcome/This Is My Story : Blessed Assurance
3) Hillsong - Saviour King - Saviour King
4) Hillsong - Blessed - Magnificent
5) Hillsong - Stone's Been Rolled Away - Jesus, Love Of My Soul