Monday, January 04, 2016

Read Scripture - January 04 (@joinbibleproj)

Basically, the video did mention that immediately after Noah's story, we are being brought into Abraham's part of the story.  I guess it has it's significance, but I'm still searching for it. Let's see:

Genesis 12-15

In fact, when the God is speaking directly to Abram, I was kinda envious in order to know what was it like to speak to God directly before everything when downhill from the beginning of creation. Oh, how I love the promises that God has given to Abram by bringing him out of a place to make Abram the Father of all nation. -- “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” -- How assuring these words that the Lord would speak directly to you.

Side-track, remember the curse of Ham towards Canaan, the grandson of Noah, in which has been scattered towards the African continent, the curse of slavery was actually by Noah. Now, the cycle of curse is getting more and more reflective when you're really reading the Bible. It's so scary and interesting at the same time.

Then towards verse 10 to 19, I have a few questions about the arrival of Egypt:-
1) Is it a cultural known fact during those days that Abram is able to know the Egyptians will kill a husband for a beautiful wife?
2) How would Pharaoh come to know that Sarai was the wife of Abram?

What puzzled me was during Abram's dream from God and He said to Abram that he "would go back to Ancestors". I've read a bunch of commentaries on this, and I still don't get how death works til today in the context of the Bible besides how it was explained in the book of Ecclesiastes.

Psalms 4

Splendidly beautifully written psalm for the Lord. It felt like a total surrender and trust towards the Lord while we are sleeping peacefully under His care.

Psalms 4:8
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. 

Videos to watch:
Genesis: Read Scripture: Genesis Ch. 12-50
Psalms: Read Scripture Series: Psalms

Disclaimer: Picture Illustration taken from "The Bible Project"'s video.

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